Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chapter 7: Her

Looking down the dirt road, I saw her. She was running towards us, dirty and terrified by the look of it. She continued to get closer until finally reaching me and collapsing in my arms.

"Its okay. We're not going to hurt you." Looking down, I realized that she was unconscious. I picked her up and carried her towards the house. "Adam! Get out here we need your help." Adam burst out the car with a eager smile on his face and a rifle in his arms.

"Still want to go on that mission?" he asked.

"Shut up, you ass. I'm taking her into the house. Shoot anything that moves. Holler if you need me." He smiled again and prepared himself for some 'fun.'

I carried our unexpected guest into the house and laid her on the couch. She was still unconscious. I found a rag, put in under some cool water, and placed it on her forehead. She seemed to be stable for the moment so, I walked to the window to check on Adam. From inside he seemed pretty bored, but I knew he'd be able to hold his own if any undead guests should happen to show up.

After what seemed like an eternity had passed, she awoke. She looked around, saw me, and was suddenly startled.

"It's okay." I said.

"Where am I? What happened?" She was beginning to panic.

"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. Are you injured?"

" I don't think so. Those things. They... they chased me." She paused. I could see tears welling up in her eyes. "They attacked her. They attacked my friend."

"You're safe now. Do you remember anything? How many were there?"

"I..I can't remember. It all happened so fast. I heard my friend scream. They bit her. I started to run and then.... then I found you."

Her eyes met mine.

She was beautiful.

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