"Be strong." I kept telling myself as I walked away from Jade, "You have to be strong." I knew if I froze up in this moment, I would die. But even with the horde standing in front of me waiting to tear me apart, she was on my mind.
I was shortly thereafter brought back to the situation at hand by Adam's first shot from his perch. He fired his shot, then another, and another.
"Alright Jared." I was talking to myself again,"You can do this." I raised the shotgun and pumped a shell into the chamber. The horde started to break up a little as it spread out into the field. I was close now and they were coming towards me. Five zombies were reaching out, ready to embrace me. Terror began to rise inside me and my body began to lock up. I was going to become one of them, to die...
"No, I have a reason to live." I lifted the shotgun and blasted the first corpse I saw in the head. The skull exploded and a shower of brains and blood filled the air. I ran out of the middle of the four that were left. "Man, that was close." I pumped another shell into the chamber and took out the four with my remaining shells. That's when I realized I was out of ammunition and that I was unarmed. "Shit. now what?"
Adam was still shooting on top of my car and Jade was..."Where is Jade?" I looked around, but I couldn't see her. "JADE!!!" I yelled out hoping for a response. "JA..."
My last out burst was muffled by the roar of my grandfather's old yellow bulldozer coming to life. Jade was on top of the machine, driving full speed towards the horde.
"What the hell?!" I yelled out.
"Jared!" Adam was yelling at me now. "Duck!" I dropped to the ground followed by the sound of Adam's rifle.
"Thanks dude." I started to run towards Jade and her bulldozer.
"Go get the keys! We've got to get out of here. Jade will be fine." Adam yelled as he reloaded his rifle.
I ran towards the house to look for my keys, not knowing what would come next.
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