Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chapter 2: Thank God I wore my boots today

"It's a dream... a dream. No... its real. This one of those things you always wanted to happen, but never thought could." My heart was racing and I was frozen in a state of panic. This creature, this beast... this zombie. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, zombie was slowly making his way towards me and I was standing in the middle of the road, frozen.
"Get a hold of yourself" my inner self said. "It's a zombie. You don't have much time, you need to move, or you're going to die!"
The zombie continued his limping swagger towards me. A moan escaping his lips.

"Jared... Jared! JARED!!!!" Finally I came to, and fully realized what was going on. The zombie was less than four feet in front of me. His arms reaching out for a deadly embrace. "Well, now what?" I thought to myself. In that split second I made a decision that would change my life forever. I summoned my strength and planted a swift kick to his knee cap. After that, it all happened in slow motion. He began to fall forward onto the asphalt. When his face kissed the asphalt, I jumped at the opportunity to end his existence. My foot met his skull, until I heard that sweet sound of a crack.
"This can't be the only one..."

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